Wednesday 12 March 2008

Feedback from final sequence

Do you think a variety of shots was used and which worked well?

-Yes,there was a great variety of shots and the ending clips worked well
-Could use more close ups, like looking up at trees shot

Do you think the pace of the editing fits the action?
-Yes it was quick cut it seemed to work

Comment on the use of editing fits the action?
-good use of location it gave a creepy effect
- Continuity error maybe leaves?

Comment on soundtrack
-Soundtrack worked well with the sequence
-Thought the drums semmed army like soundtrack

Comment on the use of titles
-The titles are very good very well edited and very appealing
-Titles a bit too bright at the end

Do you think this is a typical thriller sequence + why?
-It can be on some of the shots for example in the woods.
-Very unique but a bit unclear

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Our Roughcut

This is our Roughcut for our Thriller Opening Sequence. It does not have a soundtrack yet but has all our clips the length and in the order we want them to be in. It also contains some titles which are the first few but there are still a few more to add.

Feedback from our roughcut:
  • Editing: Good use of titles(Epic)
  • Editing: Font was good
  • Camerawork was good - use of panning, close ups and spinning the camera up towards the tree, clear shots
  • Genre: The photos and newspaper worked effectively
  • Mise-en-scene: Looks real
  • Genre: Clear + Good storyline
  • Sound: No Sound
  • Camerawork: too dark maybe??, blurry, final scene unclear
  • Editing: Title at the end of the sequence
  • Genre: Not always sure of whats going on

Wednesday 20 February 2008

We are thinking of using these images for the shot of the notice board and maybe for the Soldiers flashbacks.

Credits list

A Frahara Production
A ....... Film
Hayley Tyrrell
Jake Fretwell
Film Editing - Hayley Tyrrell, Frances Ward, Rachel Sargeant
Produced - Frances Ward
Directed - Rachel Sargeant

Wednesday 6 February 2008

War footage

This is the footage we intend to use at the beginning of our sequence. There may be a problem with this as we havent actually filmed it, although we do know the person who did.

Final Storyline

The sequence opens with footage of war in iraq, and as a soldier is shot dead, the screen blacks out and fades in to a shed, where we see tha back of our stalker. The camera then spins around, showing the features of the room, including shelves of war memorabilia such as photographs, medals and a rifle. Focusing on the shelves, we see the face of the man in one of the photos. The camera then moves to a notice board covered in newspaper clippings and photographs, all of which seem to contain information or images of one woman inparticular. The largest picture becomes the main focus, and the camera zooms in through the image and takes the audience to the woman leaving work in a lab coat. Walking through elm court, the woman becomes more aware that she is being followed. The camera moves from a long shot to a close up of a foot stepping on a twig. The foot is in a combat boot and a small it of camo trousers are shown. We then move to a close up of the womans face, and then to an ariel shot of her speeding up her walk and eventually breaking into a run. The legs of both the woman and the follower are seen runing, with the use of fast paced cuts. As the woman turns a corner, we black out into a fast paced jumbled flash back of sirens, helicopters, telephone dial tones, and a body being moved. During the flash back we also see a man running off in the same camo.
We then go back to the shed, where we see the man pinning a photo of a bodyonto his board, and the camera blurrs into t he word TOKEN.

All the way through, the credits will appear on the screen in different sections.

Thursday 31 January 2008


There are a few new ideas that we have not yet added to our animatic, these include war footage, flash back images and more chase shots.

Mini Movie

As an introduction to both garage band and final cut express, we had to create a mini movie using the images provided on the programme and the transitions.

We then had to create a soundtrack on garageband to fit the movie, and edit it so the timing was correct.

Unfortunately, due to two group members being absent on the day of the soundtrack creation, the task was completed only by Fran, who later told the absent members how to use the programme.

Labels: ,

Thursday 17 January 2008

Real Thriller Opening






Wednesday 16 January 2008

Initial storyline

Panning shot
Woman leaves elm court in a lab coat
Walking along with a clipboard
Hears someone behind her(Breaking twigs footsteps)
Walks faster and faster till eventually running takes detour down by the community center
goes black as person jumps her
Hears sirens
Black screen fades into above shot of her in her bed
Letterbox close up of girls eyes opening quickly
end as she presses her snooze button

Locations: Elms court, house, Com, Grassy path next to com

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Analysing previous students work

Narrative/Structure: A couple are in love and then a man comes and shoots the woman. slow build up, shock ending of the title sequence you do not expect it. Reapeted view of the number 36

Editing: Quite slow editing from black screen to real time

Mise-en-scene: hotel room, dress

Titles: miss mashed throughout the sequence, repeating 36 and then plain white titles non moving.

Soundtrack: Romantic and then eerie music

Camerawork: Lots of old movie footage technique then close up of the gun. cctv shot, close ups of heads and door handle.

Monday 7 January 2008
